Source code for abce.agents.household

# Copyright 2012 Davoud Taghawi-Nejad
# Module Author: Davoud Taghawi-Nejad
# ABCE is open-source software. If you are using ABCE for your research you are
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The Household class extends the agent by giving him utility functions and the ability to consume goods.
from abce import NotEnoughGoods
import operator
from functools import reduce
from import get_epsilon
epsilon = get_epsilon()

[docs]class Household(object):
[docs] def get_utility_function(self): """ the utility function should be created with: set_cobb_douglas_utility_function, set_utility_function or set_utility_function_fast """ return self._utility_function
[docs] def consume_everything(self): """ consumes everything that is in the utility function returns utility according consumption A utility_function, has to be set before see py:meth:`~abceagent.Household.set_ utility_function`, py:meth:`~abceagent.Household.set_cobb_douglas_utility_function` Returns: A the utility a number. To log it see example. Example:: utility = self.consume_everything() self.log('utility': {'u': utility}) """ return self.consume({inp: self._inventory[inp] for inp in list(self._utility_function.use.keys())})
[docs] def consume(self, input_goods): """ consumes input_goods returns utility according to the agent's consumption function A utility_function, has to be set before see py:meth:`~abceagent.Household.set_ utility_function`, py:meth:`~abceagent.Household.set_cobb_douglas_utility_function` or Args: {'input_good1': amount1, 'input_good2': amount2 ...}: dictionary containing the amount of input good consumed. Raises: NotEnoughGoods: This is raised when the goods are insufficient. Returns: The utility as a number. To log it see example. Example:: self.consumption_set = {'car': 1, 'ball': 2000, 'bike': 2} self.consumption_set = {'car': 0, 'ball': 2500, 'bike': 20} try: utility = self.consume(self.consumption_set) except NotEnoughGoods: utility = self.consume(self.smaller_consumption_set) self.log('utility': {'u': utility}) """ for good in list(self._utility_function.use.keys()): if self._inventory[good] < input_goods[good] - epsilon: raise NotEnoughGoods(, good, (input_goods[good] - self._inventory[good])) for good, use in self._utility_function.use.items(): self._inventory.haves[good] -= input_goods[good] * use return self._utility_function.formula(input_goods)
[docs] def set_utility_function(self, formula, use): """ creates a utility function from a formula The formula is a function that takes a dictionary of goods as an argument and returns a floating point number, the utility. use is a dictionary containing the percentage use of the goods used in the consumption. Goods can be fully used (=1) for example food, partially used e.G. a car. And not used at all (=0) for example a house. Args: formula: a function that takes a dictionary of goods and computes the utility as a floating number. use: a dictionary that specifies for every good, how much it depreciates in percent. Example:: self init(self): ... def utility_function(goods): return goods['house'] ** 0.2 * good['food'] ** 0.6 + good['car'] ** 0.2 {'house': 0, 'food': 1, 'car': 0.05} self.set_utility_function(utility_function, use) """ self._utility_function = Utility_Function() self._utility_function.formula = formula self._utility_function.use = use
[docs] def set_cobb_douglas_utility_function(self, exponents): """ creates a Cobb-Douglas utility function Utility_functions are than used as an argument in consume_with_utility, predict_utility and predict_utility_and_consumption. Args: {'input1': exponent1, 'input2': exponent2 ...}: dictionary containing good names 'input' and correstponding exponents Returns: A utility_function that can be used in consume_with_utility etc. Example: self._utility_function = self.create_cobb_douglas({'bread' : 10, 'milk' : 1}) self.produce(self.plastic_utility_function, {'bread' : 20, 'milk' : 1}) """ def utility_function(goods): return reduce(operator.mul, [goods[name] ** exponent for name, exponent in exponents.items()]) self._utility_function = Utility_Function() self._utility_function.formula = utility_function self._utility_function.use = { name: 1 for name in list(exponents.keys())}
[docs] def predict_utility(self, input_goods): """ Predicts the utility of a vecor of input goods Predicts the utility of consume_with_utility(utility_function, input_goods) Args:: {'input_good1': amount1, 'input_good2': amount2 ...}: dictionary containing the amount of input good used for the production. Returns:: utility: Number Example:: print(A.predict_utility(self._utility_function, {'ball': 2, 'paint': 1})) """ return self._utility_function.formula(input_goods)
[docs]class Utility_Function(object): pass