Plugins ======= ABCE has one plugin so far. The ABCESL accounting framework. If you want to author your own plugin - its dead simple. All you have to do is write a class that inherits from Agent in This class can overwrite:: def __init__(self, id, group, trade_logging, database, random_seed, num_managers, agent_parameters, simulation_parameters, check_unchecked_msgs, start_round=None): def _begin_subround(self): def _end_subround(self): def _advance_round(self, time): For example like this:: class UselessAgent(abce.Agent): def __init__(self, id, group, trade_logging, database, random_seed, num_managers, agent_parameters, simulation_parameters, check_unchecked_msgs, start_round=None): super().__init__(id, group, trade_logging, database, random_seed, num_managers, agent_parameters, simulation_parameters, check_unchecked_msgs, start_round): print("Here i begin") def _begin_subround(self): super()._begin_subround() print('subround begins') def _end_subround(self): super()._end_subround() print('subround finishes') def _advance_round(self, time): super()._advance_round(time) print('Super I made it to the next round') def ability(self): print("its %r o'clock" % self.time) print("the simulation called my ability") **Do not overwrite the init(parameters, simulation_parameters)** method