Source code for abcEconomics.agent

# Copyright 2012 Davoud Taghawi-Nejad
# Module Author: Davoud Taghawi-Nejad
# abcEconomics is open-source software. If you are using abcEconomics for your research you are
# requested the quote the use of this software.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
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The :py:class:`abcEconomics.Agent` class is the basic class for creating your agents.
It automatically handles the possession of goods of an agent. In order to
produce/transforme goods you also need to subclass the :py:class:`abcEconomics.Firm` or
to create a consumer the :py:class:`abcEconomics.Household`.

For detailed documentation on:

Trading, see :doc:`Trade`

Logging and data creation, see :doc:`Database`.

Messaging between agents, see :doc:`Messenger`.
from .logger import Logger
from .agents.trader import Trader
from .agents.messenger import Messenger
from .agents.goods import Goods

[docs]class Agent(Logger, Trader, Messenger, Goods): """ Every agent has to inherit this class. It connects the agent to the simulation and to other agent. The :class:`abcEconomics.Trade`, :class:`abcEconomics.Logger` and :class:`abcEconomics.Messenger` classes are included. An agent can also inheriting from :class:`abcEconomics.Firm`, :class:`abcEconomics.FirmMultiTechnologies` or :class:`abcEconomics.Household` classes. Every method can return parameters to the simulation. For example:: class Household(abcEconomics.Agent, abcEconomics.Household): def init(self, simulation_parameters, agent_parameters): self.num_firms = simulation_parameters['num_firms'] self.type = agent_parameters['type'] ... def selling(self): for i in range(self.num_firms): self.sell('firm', i, 'good', quantity=1, price=1) ... def return_quantity_of_good(self): return['good'] ... simulation = Simulation() households = Simulation.build_agents(household, 'household', parameters={...}, agent_parameters=[{'type': 'a'}, {'type': 'b'}]) for r in range(10): simulation.advance_round(r) households.selling() print(households.return_quantity_of_good()) """ def __init__(self, id, agent_parameters, simulation_parameters, name=None): """ Do not overwrite __init__ instead use a method called init instead. init is called whenever the agent are build. """ super(Agent, self).__init__(id, agent_parameters, simulation_parameters) """ returns the agents id READ ONLY""" # unpacking simulation_parameters group = simulation_parameters['group'] start_round = simulation_parameters.get('start_round', None) if name is None: name = (group, id) = name # name_without_colon is used for logging purpose self.name_without_colon = '%s_%i' % (group, id) = id """ returns the agents name, which is the group name and the id """ = group """ returns the agents group or type READ ONLY! """ # TODO should be group_address(group), but it would not work # when fired manual + ':' and manual group_address need to be removed self.time = start_round """ self.time, contains the time set with simulation.advance_round(time) you can set time to anything you want an integer or (12, 30, 21, 09, 1979) or 'monday' """
[docs] def init(self): """ This method is called when the agents are build. It can be overwritten by the user, to initialize the agents. Parameters are the parameters given to :py:meth:`abcEconomics.Simulation.build_agents`. Example:: class Student(abcEconomics.Agent): def init(self, rounds, age, lazy, school_size): self.rounds = rounds self.age = age self.lazy = lazy self.school_size = school_size def say(self): print('I am', self.age ' years old and go to a school that is ', self.school_size') def main(): sim = Simulation() students = sim.build_agents(Student, 'student', agent_parameters=[{'age': 12, lazy: True}, {'age': 12, lazy: True}, {'age': 13, lazy: False}, {'age': 14, lazy: True}], rounds=50, school_size=990) """ print("Warning: agent %s has no init function" %
def _advance_round(self, time, str_time): super()._advance_round(time) self._str_round = str_time self.time = time if self.conditional_logging: if self.time in self.log_rounds: self.log_this_round = True else: self.log_this_round = False def _execute(self, command, args, kwargs): self._do_message_clearing() self._begin_subround() ret = getattr(self, command)(*args, **kwargs) self._end_subround() self._reject_polled_but_not_accepted_offers() return ret def _begin_subround(self): """ Overwrite this to make abcEconomics plugins, that need to do something at the beginning of every subround """ pass def _end_subround(self): """ Overwrite this to make abcEconomics plugins, that need to do something at the beginning of every subround """ pass