import os
from collections import defaultdict
import csv
[docs]def to_csv(directory, dataset):
tables = dataset.tables
panels = defaultdict(list)
aggs = defaultdict(list)
for table_name in tables:
typ = table_name.split('___')[0]
group = table_name.split('___')[1]
if typ == 'panel':
elif typ == 'aggregate':
elif typ == 'trade':
print(([ds for ds in dataset[table_name].all()][0]))
save_to_csv('trade_', '_trade', dataset)
for group, tables in list(aggs.items()):
join_table(tables, group, 'round', 'aggregate', dataset)
for group, tables in list(panels.items()):
join_table(tables, group, 'name, round', 'panel', dataset)
create_aggregated_table(group, dataset)
for group in aggs:
save_to_csv('aggregate', group, dataset)
for group in panels:
save_to_csv('panel', group, dataset)
save_to_csv('aggregated', group, dataset)
[docs]def create_aggregated_table(group, dataset):
columns = ', '.join('AVG(%s) %s_mean, SUM(%s) %s_ttl' % (c, c, c, c)
for c in get_columns(dataset, 'panel_%s' % group))
dataset.query("CREATE TABLE aggregated_%s AS "
"SELECT round, %s FROM panel_%s GROUP BY round ORDER BY cast(round as float);"
% (group, columns, group))
except Exception:
print('round not castable as float; default to unordered group by')
dataset.query("CREATE TABLE aggregated_%s AS "
"SELECT round, %s FROM panel_%s GROUP BY round;"
% (group, columns, group))
dataset.update_table('aggregated_%s' % group)
[docs]def join_table(tables, group, indexes, type_, dataset):
for i, table_name in enumerate(tables):
if i == 0:
dataset.query("CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE temp0 AS "
"SELECT * FROM %s;" % table_name)
redundant_columns = (set(dataset[table_name].columns) &
set(dataset['temp%i' % (i - 1)].columns))
dataset.query("CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE temp%i AS "
"SELECT temp%i.* %s "
"FROM temp%i LEFT JOIN %s using(%s)"
% (i, i - 1,
get_str_columns(dataset, table_name,
i - 1, table_name, indexes))
dataset.query("DROP TABLE temp%i;" % (i - 1))
dataset.query("DROP TABLE %s" % table_name)
dataset.query("CREATE TABLE %s_%s AS "
"SELECT * FROM temp%i" % (type_, group, i))
dataset.update_table('panel_%s' % group)
dataset.query("DROP TABLE temp%i;" % i)
[docs]def save_to_csv(prefix, group, dataset):
table = dataset['%s_%s' % (prefix, group)]
with open('%s_%s.csv' % (prefix, group), 'w') as outfile:
outdict = csv.DictWriter(outfile, fieldnames=table.columns)
for row in table:
[docs]def get_str_columns(dataset, table_name, redundant_columns):
ret = ', '.join([' %s ' % c
for c in dataset[table_name].columns
if c not in list(redundant_columns)])
if ret == '':
return ''
return ', %s' % ret
[docs]def get_columns(dataset, table_name):
return [c for c in dataset[table_name].columns
if c not in ('index', 'name', 'round')]