Firm and production

class abce.agents.Firm[source]

Bases: object

With self.produce a firm produces a good using production functions. For example the following farm has a cobb-douglas production function:

class Farm(abce.Agent, abce.Firm):
def init(self):
self.production_function = create_cobb_douglas({‘land’: 0.7,
‘capital’: 0.1, ‘labor’: 0.2})
def firming(self):
self.produce(self.production_function, {{‘land’: self[‘land’],
‘capital’: self[‘capital’], ‘labor’: 2}})
Production functions can be auto generated with:
  • py:meth:~abceagent.Firm.create_cobb_douglas or
  • py:meth:~abceagent.Firm.create_ces or
  • py:meth:~abceagent.Firm.create_leontief

or specified by hand:

A production function looks like this:

def production_function(wheels, steel, stearing_wheels, plant, machines):
    car = min(wheels / 4, steel / 10, stearing_wheels)
    wheels = 0
    steel = 0
    stearing_wheels = 0
    machine = machine * 0.9
    return locals()

This production function, produces one car for every four wheels, 10 tonnes of steel and one stearing_wheel, it also requires one machine. Wheels, steel and stearing_wheels are completely used. The plant is not used and the machine depreciates by 10%.production.

A production function can also produce multiple goods. The last line return locals(), can not be omitted. It returns all variables you define in this function as a dictionary.

create_ces(output, gamma, multiplier=1, shares=None)[source]

creates a CES production function

A production function is a production process that produces the given input goods according to the CES formula to the output good:

\(Q = F \cdot \left[\sum_{i=1}^n a_{i}X_{i}^{\gamma}\ \right]^{\frac{1}{\gamma}}\)

Production_functions are than used as an argument in produce, predict_vector_produce and predict_output_produce.


Name of the output good
elasticity of substitution \(= s =\frac{1}{1-\gamma}\)
CES multiplier \(F\)
\(a_{i}\) = Share parameter of input i, \(\sum_{i=1}^n a_{i} = 1\) when share_parameters is not specified all inputs are weighted equally and the number of inputs is flexible.


A production_function that can be used in produce etc.


self.stuff_production_function = create_ces('stuff', gamma=0.5, multiplier=1,
                                            shares={'labor': 0.25, 'stone':0.25, 'wood':0.5})
self.produce(self.stuff_production_function, {'stone' : 20, 'labor' : 1, 'wood': 12})
create_cobb_douglas(output, multiplier, exponents)[source]

creates a Cobb-Douglas production function

A production function is a production process that produces the given input goods according to the Cobb-Douglas formula to the output good. Production_functions are than used as an argument in produce, predict_vector_produce and predict_output_produce.


Name of the output good
Cobb-Douglas multiplier
{‘input1’: exponent1, ‘input2’: exponent2 …}:
dictionary containing good names ‘input’ and corresponding exponents


A production_function that can be used in produce etc.


def init(self):
self.plastic_production_function = create_cobb_douglas(‘plastic’, {‘oil’ : 10, ‘labor’ : 1}, 0.000001)

def producing(self):
self.produce(self.plastic_production_function, {‘oil’ : 20, ‘labor’ : 1})
create_leontief(output, utilization_quantities)[source]

creates a Leontief production function

A production function is a production process that produces the given input goods according to the Leontief formula to the output good. Production_functions are than used as an argument in produce, predict_vector_produce and predict_output_produce.


Name of the output good
dictionary of multipliers it min(good1 * a, good2 * b, good3 * c…)
{‘input1’: exponent1, ‘input2’: exponent2 …}:
dictionary containing good names ‘input’ and corresponding exponents


A production_function that can be used in produce etc.

Example: self.car_production_function = create_leontief(‘car’, {‘wheel’ : 4, ‘chassi’ : 1}) self.produce(self.car_production_function, {‘wheel’ : 20, ‘chassi’ : 5})

produce(production_function, input_goods, results=False)[source]

Produces output goods given the specified amount of inputs.

Transforms the Agent’s goods specified in input goods according to a given production_function to output goods. Automatically changes the agent’s belonging. Raises an exception, when the agent does not have sufficient resources.

A production_function produced with py:meth:~abceagent.Firm.create_production_function, py:meth:~abceagent.Firm.create_cobb_douglas or py:meth:~abceagent.Firm.create_leontief
input goods dictionary or list:
dictionary containing the amount of input good used for the production or a list of all goods that get completely used.
If True returns a dictionary with the used and produced goods.
This is raised when the goods are insufficient.


car = {'tire': 4, 'metal': 2000, 'plastic':  40}
bike = {'tire': 2, 'metal': 400, 'plastic':  20}
    self.produce(car_production_function, car)
except NotEnoughGoods:
    A.produce(bike_production_function, bike)

self.produce(car_production_function, ['tire', 'metal', 'plastic'])  # produces using all goods