Download and Installation

ABCE works exclusively with python 3!

Installation Ubuntu

  1. If python3 and pip not installed in terminal [2]

    sudo apt-get install python3
    sudo apt-get install python3-pip
  2. In terminal:

    sudo pip3 install abce
  3. download and unzip the zip file with examples and the template from:

  4. Optional for a 10 fold speed increase:

    Install pypy3 from

  5. Install pypy3 additionally:

    sudo pypy3 -m pip install abce

  6. For pypy execute models with pypy3 instead of python3

Installation Mac

  1. If you are on OSX Yosemite, download and install: Command line Tools (OS X 10.10) for XCODE 6.4 from

  2. If pip not installed in terminal:

    sudo python3 -m easy_install pip
  3. In terminal:

    sudo pip3 install abce
  4. If you are on El Capitain, OSX will ask you to install cc - xcode “Command Line Developer Tools”, click accept. [1]

  5. If XCODE was installed type again in terminal:

    sudo pip3 install abce
  6. download and unzip the zip file with examples and the template from:

  7. Optional for a 10 fold speed increase:

    Install pypy3 from

  8. Install pypy3 additionally:

    sudo pypy3 -m pip install abce

  9. For pypy execute models with pypy3 instead of python3

Installation Windows

ABCE works best with anaconda python 3.5 follow the instructions blow.

  1. Install the python3.5 anaconda distribution from
  1. anaconda prompt or in the command line (cmd) type:

    pip install abce
  1. download and unzip the zip file with examples and the template from:

Known Issues

  • When you run an IDE such as spyder sometimes the website blocks. In

order to avoid that, modify the ‘Run Setting’ and choose ‘Execute in external System Terminal’.

  • When the simulation blocks, there is probably a simulation.finalize() command

missing after the simulation loop

If you have any problems with the installation

Mail to:

[1]xcode 7 works only on OSX El Capitan. You need to either upgrade or if you want to avoid updating download xcode 6.4 from here:
[2]If this fails sudo apt-add-repository universe and sudo apt-get update