Source code for abce.gui

""" ABCE can be started with a gui or provide visual data output """
import os
import sys
import platform
import json
from subprocess import call
import abce
import dataset
import flexx
from flexx import app
from .webtext import abcedescription
    from .basiclayout import basiclayout
    from .form import form
except ImportError:

[docs]def gui(parameter_mask, names=None, header=None, story=None, title="Agent-Based Computational Economics", texts=None, pages=None, histograms=None, serve=False, runtime='browser-X', truncate_rounds=0, hostname='', port=80, pypy=None): """ gui is a decorator that can be used to add a graphical user interface to your simulation. Args: parameter_mask: a dictionary with the parameter name as key and an example value as value. Instead of the example value you can also put a tuple: (min, default, max) parameters can be: - float: {'exponent': (0.0, 0.5, 1.1)} - int: {'num_firms': (0, 100, 100000)} - dict or list, which should be strings of a dict or a list (see example): {'list_to_edit': "['brd', 'mlk', 'add']"} - a list of options: {'several_options': ['opt_1', 'opt_2', 'opt_3']} - a string: {'name': '2x2'} names (optional): a dictionary with the parameter name as key and an alternative text to be displayed instead. title: a string with the name of the simulation. header: html string for a bar on the top story: a dictionary with text to be displayed alongeside the graphs. Key must be the graphs title, value can be text or html. pages: A dictinoary with title as key and links to external websites as values, which are displayed on the right hand side. truncate_rounds: Does not display the initial x rounds, in the result graphs runtime: webbrowser to start the simulation in, can be 'xui' or python's webbrowser module's webrowser string. histograms: specifies in which round histograms are generated. If it is not specified rounds from the menu is used. Alternatively you can create 'histogram' parameter in parameter_mask. serve: If you run this on your local machine serve must be False. If used as a web server must be True hostname: Hostname if serve is active, defaults to '' port: Port if serve is active, defaults to 80 pypy: Name of the pypy interpreter to run ABCE super fast. e.G. 'pypy' or 'pypy3'. The mainfile needs to be run with cpython e.G.: :code:`python3` Example:: parameter_mask = {'name': 'name', 'random_seed': None, 'rounds': 40, 'num_firms': (0, 100, 100000), 'num_households': (0, 100, 100000), 'exponent': (0.0, 0.5, 1.1), 'several_options': ['opt_1', 'opt_2', 'opt_3'] 'list_to_edit': "['brd', 'mlk', 'add']", 'dictionary_to_edit': "{'v1': 1, 'v2': 2}"} names = {'num_firms': 'Number of Firms'} @gui(parameter_mask, names, title="Agent-Based Computational Economics", serve=False) def main(simulation_parameters): parameter_list = eval(simulation_parameters['list_to_edit']) simulation = Simulation() firms = simulation.build_agents(Firm, simulation_parameters['num_firms']) households = simulation.build_agents(Household, simulation_parameters['num_households']) for r in range(simulation_parameters['rounds']): simulation.advance_round(r) if __name__ == '__main__': main(simulation_parameters) """ parameter_mask = ({} if parameter_mask is None else parameter_mask) names = ({} if names is None else names) story = ({} if story is None else story) texts = ([abcedescription] if texts is None else texts) pages = ([] if pages is None else pages) if any('SPYDER' in name for name in os.environ): title = """WARNING: You are running this Simulation in SPYDER When you run an IDE such as spyder the website blocks. In order to avoid that, modify the 'Run Setting' and choose 'Execute in external System Terminal' and restart your system """ print(title) def inner(simulation): if not IMPORTERROR: if pypy is not None: def simulation(parameters): print("CALLING PYPY") call([pypy, sys.argv[0], json.dumps(parameters), abce.simulation_name]) database = dataset.connect('sqlite:///parameter.db') abce.parameter_database = database['parameter'] Form = form(parameter_mask, names) # pylint: disable=C0103 if serve: flexx.config.hostname = hostname flexx.config.port = port app.serve(basiclayout(Form, simulation, title, header, truncate_rounds, texts=texts, pages=pages, histograms=histograms)) app.start() else: app.launch(basiclayout(Form, simulation, title, header, truncate_rounds, texts=texts, pages=pages, histograms=histograms), windowmode='maximized', runtime=runtime) else: print("RUN PYPY") abce.simulation_name = sys.argv[2] simulation(json.loads(sys.argv[1])) return lambda _: None return inner
[docs]def graphs(parameter_mask=None, names=None): """ After the simulation simulation.graphs displays all logged data, this can not be use in conjuncture with @gui. Args: parameter_mask (optional): simulation parameters to display names (optional): a dictionary with the parameter name as key and an alternative text to be displayed instead. """ names = ({} if names is None else names) if platform.python_implementation() == 'PyPy': try: call(['python3', '']) except Exception: call(['python', '']) else: database = dataset.connect('sqlite:///parameter.db') abce.parameter_database = database['parameter'] parameter_mask = ({} if parameter_mask is None else parameter_mask) Form = form(parameter_mask, names) app.launch(basiclayout(Form, None, parameter_mask['name'], graphs=True), runtime='browser-X')